Counseling for Individuals, Couples & Family


I help couples, families and individuals find meaningful connections and get to the core voice of the heart.


You are considering reaching out for help during this season of your life. This first step is sometimes the most difficult and while it may feel weighed down in fear and anxiety, it is truly brave. This work is hard and the most rewarding journey you will ever take. Finding a comfortable space and counselor fit is so important to your work. Research shows that 75% of positive counseling outcomes are directly related to the relationship and joining between the client and counselor. My mission is to create a safe space for this sacred work to promote hope, health, and healing.


Join me, because your story matters!




Even in a world full of people, you may be feeling like an island in this chapter of your life. You may need to have an honest conversation and not be faced with labels and judgement. A sacred space to invest in yourself and experience personal growth and awareness. You do not have to struggle alone.

Couples & Families

You never knew being in a relationship could present so many challenges and feel so alone. This has left you feeling disillusioned about the future and the path seems unclear. You are looking for help to repair, reconnect, and create a space for healing and health in your relationship.


Sometimes we just need a place to know we are not alone in our situation or feelings. Joining a group can provide a space for just that and normalize a situation that feels like unchartered territory. A space where you can gain support and perspective.


“Owning our story and moving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”

— Brene Brown